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Got A Blocked Drain? 6 Handy Tips To Clear It!

Clearing blocked drains isn’t something that we think about too much. But the fact is that drain blockages are arguably one of the most typical plumbing issues people face on commercial and residential properties. We are all aware that we should be careful about what we are putting down the drains and avoid discarding unsolvable wipes, feminine hygiene products, etc. in it.

Unfortunately, we aren’t as careful as we should be, and most of us do end up discarding many of these things into toilets, which ultimately results in blockages. Grease, soap scum, hair, food scraps, and more add to the problem.

Tips to Clear Blocked Drains

So if you have a blocked drain, what do you do to clear it? Here are some handy tips from the experts at Gary Renouf Plumbing:

1. Boiling Water- This is a straightforward yet effective remedy for clearing blocked drains. It works well for small drains with minor blockages. Since there are no chemicals used, the method is also excellent for the environment.

2. Plunger- This basic yet convenient tool is useful in getting rid of blockages in sinks and toilets. The types of plungers used in both these jobs are different. This method works only when there are solid blockages, and the plunger you use needs to be wide enough to cover the entire drain for it to be effective.

3. Baking Soda and Vinegar- This is a classic drain unblocking home remedy that is effective in clearing kitchen and bathroom sinks. Pour some boiling water down the drain and follow it up with ½ cup of baking soda. After a few minutes, pour in a cup of boiling water and vinegar; allow it to sit for 10 minutes and then flush the sink with some more boiling water.

4. Wire Hanger- Unbend a household wire hanger and create a small hook at one end. Feed the hanger through the drain and slowly fish out any objects stuck there.

5. Inspect the U-Bend- All sinks have a U-bend pipe under them. Sometimes, small items, food scraps, and debris, etc. become stuck in the bend resulting in a clog. You can remove the fixture and clean it thoroughly before fitting it under the pipe.

6. High-Pressure Jet Blaster- If you have a severe blockage, you can use a drain jetting to blast clog and clear the drain. Most plumbers also use CCTV drain cameras to determine what the cause of the blockage is and then use pressure jets to clear what’s inside. It is an excellent way to remove clogs caused by tree roots.

Hire a Licensed Plumber

You can try some of these home remedies yourself. But when it comes to stormwater drains or larger drains on your property, its best to hire the services of experienced plumbers like us. We are quick in our response and will use the latest tools and equipment to inspect and clear drains.

For any more information, feel free to call Gary Renouf Plumbing at 1800 889 440 or send us a message via this Contact Us form, and one of our experts will contact you soon.


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For any more information, feel free to call Gary Renouf Plumbing today.